The FNC Gym, known for its notoriously large banners, has welcomed a few additional banners this year. Girls spring track, girls lacrosse, and boys tennis all have their own banners on the “big gym’s” walls. All three teams made EHS history last spring, with each becoming White Division conference champions for their respective sports.
The girls lacrosse team led the White Division with a record of 7–1 and became division GMC leaders with a record of 7–2.
“I was very proud of the 2023 team for clinching the division title. It is a testament to all of their hard work and determination,” said head coach Ms. Sara Yocum of girls lacrosse. “They have truly left their mark on EHS lacrosse history forever. I think we will see success as long as the team puts the effort in.”

The boys tennis team led the White Division with a record of 14–0 and were the White Division GMC champions with a record of 16–2. Chetan Kallam ‘26 , a prominent freshman—at the time of the victory—on the boys tennis team who contributed to the team’s victory, reflected on the occasion.
“Hearing that we won a few weeks before the end of the season was unforgettable. The entire team stepped up when needed to, which allowed us to win. Pouring an entire jug of water on Mr. Smith was a highlight in winning the divisional title. I hope we can improve and one day win the Red Division for EHS,” said Kallam.
Edison’s girls spring track team made history last spring as well, winning their first conference meet. Anna Weng ‘26, one of the many team members who contributed to the win, said, “With a record of 1–12, the one win being the GMCs, our team made history. I felt extremely happy that our girls were titled GMC’s white division champions last year.”

Even though my contributions to the team points were small,” Weng said, “I was still elated to be a part of the experience. I believe in order to win the title again this spring season, our girls can continue to work on pushing one another during workouts, or pack run together for the majority of the meets to score points for the team.”
Believing victory is the fruit of teamwork, Weng was proud of her teammates and herself coming out of last year on a high note, and continues to put emphasis on camaraderie as the best course of action to secure future conference championships as a team.
These three sports now have their own spot on the walls of the FNC Gym for their legacy banners, along with the banners of the other sports that have secured their spot. These new banners represent the making of Edison High history as they hang in the gym for all to see.