Jessica Momanyi: May Senior of the Month
June 11, 2020
Jessica Momanyi ’20, a “miracle baby” and May Senior of the Month, is constantly singing. “My main hobby is singing,” she said. “I’m the girl who’s constantly singing in the hallways at school. My mom has been a member of my church choir for as long as I can remember, and she would take my brother and me to her practices. I also love to write and play the piano, which both came about in 7th grade.”
The senior’s love of singing allowed her to be a part of the Bella Voce, Treble Choir, a music ensemble in Edison High School, an audition-only, all girls choir. Momanyi has been a part of this group since freshman year.
“Auditioning for that opportunity was one of the best decisions I made in high school,” Momanyi reflects.
Her love of singing also goes back many years. Attending church choir rehearsals with her mother and brother allowed Jessica to get an early exposure to choir and allowed her to develop her love for singing, which has carried through to this day.
Jessica’s advice to incoming freshmen is simple. She emphasizes the need to connect with teachers who could guide you along the way and help you with high school.
“Befriend a teacher. Honestly, befriend multiple teachers. It doesn’t have to be one of your own teachers, just someone who is trustworthy, open, and brutally honest. The teachers know EHS inside and out, and will often give you the best advice about how to survive the whirlwind that is your high school life,” Momanyi said.

Photo credit: Jessica Momyani ’20
Jessica also practices what she preaches. She often looked up to Mrs. Milicia and Mr. Brown for help and inspiration.
“Shoutout to Mrs. Milicia, for being the big sister that I’ve never had. Shoutout to Mr. Brown, the choir teacher, for being such an inspiration to me,” she asserts.
Jessica also enjoys making a positive impact on her community. Understanding the burden of academic tasks and responsibilities, she likes to uplift others in any way she can, “even if that’s through a passing smile in the hallway.”
She leaves us with this parting saying which she often says to herself: “It’s okay not to be okay.”