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Strong Performance for EHS at GMC’s

Noreen Amponsah '24 passes the baton to Grace White '25 during the Girls' 4x400 meter relay.  The girls team (Noreen Amponsah '24, Grace White '25, Hailey Dawson '24, Jada Bonds '24) places second overall.
Noreen Amponsah ’24 passes the baton to Grace White ’25 during the Girls’ 4×400 meter relay. The girls team (Noreen Amponsah ’24, Grace White ’25, Hailey Dawson ’24, Jada Bonds ’24) places second overall.

Edison competed at the Greater Middlesex Championships at South Brunswick from May 21 to May 22. While competing in a competition with the highest stakes, Edison athletes hit many PRs and seasonal records, exceeding expectations.

The boys’ relay teams saw success in all their respective events, with the 4×400 meter and 4×100 meter team clinching fourth and fifth place respectively. Additionally, the 4×800 team achieved third place, powered by a 2:01 by Bryce Hickerson ‘26 and a 2:05 by Moustafa Abdelaal ‘25.

“I mean it’s one of the biggest races we have, so it was of the utmost importance that we stepped up,” said Hickerson. “I’m glad that we performed to our best capability, and got the result we deserve, but there’s always going to be room for improvement.”

Along with relay success, the boys’ sprinters hit PRs across the board, with every 200 meter runner hitting a season-best, led by a 22.71 by Ricky Harvey ‘24. Harvey also set a 100 meter seasonal best, hitting 11:00 and clinching fourth place.

  • Ricky Harvey ’24 (second from left) places fourth overall in the Boys’ 100 meter dash.

  • Keona Rose ’25 places third overall in Girls’ Pole Vault and sets a new personal record of 9-00.00 for herself.

  • Jada Bonds ’24 prepares to receive the baton before she runs the anchor leg of the Girls 4×400 meter relay.

  • Joseph Pinheiro ’25 passes the baton to Moustafa Abdelaal ’25 in the Boys’ 4×400 meter relay. The team (Tori’ahn Rattray ’24, Remy Bethea ’24, Joseph Pinheiro ’25, Moustafa Abdelaal ’25) places fourth overall.

  • Noreen Amponsah ’24 passes the baton to Grace White ’25 during the Girls’ 4×400 meter relay. The girls team (Noreen Amponsah ’24, Grace White ’25, Hailey Dawson ’24, Jada Bonds ’24) places second overall.

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The strong showing by the sprinters was followed by success in the 800 meter dash, with Abdelaal breaching the sub 2 mark, hitting 1:59.99. His strong showing was backed up by a 2:01 and 2:11 respectively from Hickerson and Tanush Lingala ‘27.

“Definitely a struggle,” said Lingala. “I just went out there and performed like I wanted to, definitely think I can do even better, but satisfied with today”

Apart from the strong boys’ performances, the girls’ team performed well too, hitting many seasonal bests. The 4×400 team clinched second place with a time of 4:03.28 while the 4×800 also clinched second place with a time of 9:57.82.

With the season coming to an end, the Edison team finished off strong. While the season is over, many of the athletes will look to compete in nationals on June 14th.

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