WAGIC: Ms. Diorio’s Project


Girls all around the world struggle day and night for basic necessities, safety, education, and even documentation. Deprived of their natural rights, women are constantly challenging males and orthodox views. It is finally time for this discrimination to end.

English teacher Jennifer DiOrio and the board, Keya Nayi, Beena Prajapati, Isha Patel, and Laxmi Guntur took two clubs and merged them to create one that raises awareness for women’s rights. They combined a national organization called Girl Up and a gender issue club called the Women’s and Gender Issues Club (WAGIC). Girl Up is a United Nations initiative filled with empowered young women leaders who defend gender equality. Through leadership development training, Girl Up gives girls the resources and platform to start a movement for social change wherever they are. WAGIC was formed at EHS about 15 years ago and meets monthly to discuss important topics of the day, such as traditional gender roles and various types of discrimination. This club honors the women and girls of the past and Girl Up honors the girls and women of the present and future.

Many of the participants of the club have appreciated its formation. “Being a woman, it is my obligation to stick up for and represent all women around the world who don’t have all luxuries and basic necessities that we do,” said Tanya Sharma ‘21, an active member of this club. “Joining this club will help me to feel a part of a greater cause by emphasizing the importance of a woman.”

This club helps and supports females all over the world and taking part in such a powerful movement is a great way to give back to your community and leave a long-lasting impact.

The club holds workshops at least once a month to discuss extreme issues that have resulted from the discrimination of women and changes in women’s roles over the years. The club also organizes various fundraisers and activities. Many people, including those outside of Edison High School, are planning on talking at these workshops. Carol Bamdad, a retired English teacher who started organizing International Women’s Day events here at EHS many years ago and who later passed the organization on to Ms. DiOrio, is coming to one of the workshops to speak.

Divya Dayal ‘21 said, “I wanted to be a part of this movement in informing people about these social problems, as well as working towards potential solutions.”

For those who stand with this movement, there is no rest until WAGIC’s goal of equal rights for every girl is achieved.