Senior of the Month: Samantha Moxie


As American track athlete Carl Lewis once said, “If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win.” EHS’s November Senior of the Month Samantha Moxie ‘21 carries this mindset with her, exuding confidence in her athletic endeavors and her future goals. 

An avid athlete, Moxie has been on the Lady Eagles’ Soccer team since her freshman year. She has played soccer long before high school, however, starting at the young age of four. Since then, she has remained committed to her sport. 

This commitment shines through Moxie’s soccer achievements; She currently holds the record for “most goals scored for EHS at 105!” She has also been the team MVP for 3 years in a row, as well as the “most outstanding female athlete” in her sophomore and senior year. 

In addition to being a stellar soccer player, Moxie strives to empower today’s youth through her involvement in several clubs. A member of Heroes and Cool Kids, she mentors middle school students on important life skills, including sportsmanship and conflict resolution as well as drug and alcohol prevention. Furthermore, Moxie participates in Project UNIFY®, a youth-centered initiative that joins people with and without disabilities together through education, sports and leadership. 

From scoring goals to leading youth, Moxie’s experience at EHS has been a memorable one. She cherishes the memories that she has made throughout high school, her favorite being “the fall pep rallies, it was a fun event that got the whole school involved and put some fun into a normal school day.”

Moxie plans on pursuing her academic and athletic career at East Carolina University where she will major in exercise physiology with a minor in biology. “My dream job is to be a physician for a professional sports team,” she says. 

Moxie’s advice to the freshmen of Edison High is to “get involved with the school any way you can.” She also encourages students to create daily routines to have better time management. 

As her time at Edison High comes to an end, Moxie hopes for “future classes at EHS to always have school spirit and show ongoing support to the sports teams by attending any game they can and cheering on friends.”