Breaking Barriers: The Edison High School Winter Band Concert
The Edison High School wind ensemble performs the First Suite in E-flat by Gustav Holst.
February 14, 2022
Students nationwide have spent months adapting to the demands of in-person school during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, despite the numerous changes students have made to adjust to their new school environment, the Edison High School Band program has remained resilient throughout these unprecedented times in order to put on their first winter concert since before quarantine.
As a part of the Freshman Ensemble, Sylvia Wu ’25 pointed out differences between the experience and pre-COVID ensembles, since many freshmen lacked experience playing with others and tuning their instruments. However, with patience and hard work, the Freshman band played three pieces for the audience: “March Mixolydian”, “Japanese Pictures”, and “Rise of The Vulcan”.
This year, all three Band Ensembles faced a multitude of obstacles while rehearsing for their first concert after one and a half years. Students faced a lack of motivation and passion for their instrument, and many returned after quarantine at a lower musical standpoint than they had been pre-COVID.
“I feel like I’ve spent a lot of time getting them excited about music again, staying on task, but also being patient. Just staying patient so they can keep working towards their goals, but also understanding that it’s not going to happen all at once,” Band Director Mr. Marc Denicuolo said.
Despite lacking proper experience playing in an ensemble, many students had to quickly adapt to the accelerated pace of High School Band. However, through hard work and frequent practice, the Edison High School band program was able to play a total of 7 pieces. The symphonic band, reserved for grades ten and above, performed “Air for Band” and “Canto”. Finally, the Wind Ensemble, an audition-only group, performed “First Suite” by Holst as well as “Christmas Festival”.
In addition to these new changes to Edison High School’s band program, this year a few students at the Edison High School STEM Academy were able to partake in band during their study hall periods. Kinjal Vaibhav ‘25 recounts her experience playing in the Freshman Ensemble for the first time. As a member of the EHS STEM Academy, she was unable to take band as an elective but was given the opportunity to play in the winter concert.
“I’d say my experience, though brief, was an enjoyable experience. I honestly felt really lucky because I was actually able to participate in the concert even though I’m technically not even supposed to be there,” Vaibhav said.
Vinay Menon ‘23, a junior at the Edison High School STEM Academy, also expresses his excitement playing in the Wind Ensemble for the first time since middle school. “For me, the winter concert was a refreshing experience, since it was all of our first school band performances since the start of quarantine. Although we took a longer time to fall into the in-person routines and expectations of the band this year, I’m still happy that we were able to perform and put on an enjoyable show for the family and friends who came to watch,” Menon said.
It’ll take more than a global pandemic to stop the music.