Will We See Her Back At EHS?

March Senior of the Month


Hannah Steinlauf ’22 after seeing Hamilton on Broadway, at the New York City skyline.

Lead in the fall play and Vice President of EHS Theater Department, Editor-in-Chief of The Eagle’s Eye, our very own Hannah Steinlauf ’22 was commended March Senior of the Month. 

Throughout her journey at Edison High School, she continues to live by the words, “When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.” Steinlauf finds the light in the dark of any situation. She continues to guide herself and her peers through the hard and stressful times of high school. 

Steinlauf enjoys sharing her passion for dance through teaching young children and hopes to continue in the passion of instruction as a teacher in the future. She is a woman of many talents as she enjoys baking, traveling, and planning trips in her free time. She loves to hike; go to the beach; and hang out with her friends, family, and her boyfriend. 

Steinlauf is interested in pursuing a career as a history teacher and hopes to return here to Edison High School and put into action her ideas on education. 

In the future, I hope to come back to Edison High as a teacher. This township has opened my eyes to so many different cultures and lifestyles and has inspired me to want to travel and study around the world. I hope to take my knowledge and experience in the world, and show the children of the future that different doesn’t always mean bad, but it can actually change my life, said Steinlauf. She wants to give back to the community she loves and inspire other high school students just as she was inspired here, within these very walls. 

She attributes her fond memories, motivation, and growth as a student to her teachers. She especially wants to thank Mrs. Diane Frey, for always pushing her to do her best and encouraging her to put her mind, body, and soul before schoolwork, clubs, and people. Steinlauf especially notes their mother-daughter-like bond.

She also thanks Mrs. Maureen O’Connor for boosting her confidence and for showing her the potential connections that students can have with their teachers.

Finally, she would like to thank Mrs. Leanne Rubiano, for introducing her to her love for history, and for aiding in her decision to become a history teacher. 

Steinlauf continues to stay involved here in the Eagle’s Nest. An editor-in-chief for three years, she has been an essential piece of The Eagles Eye since her sophomore year at Edison High School when the newspaper was created. She has been an active member of the EHS Choir and Theatre since her freshman year when got inducted into the Theatre Honors Society, ITS, serving on the Choir Student Board and as Vice President of the Theatre Department. She is also a part of NHS (National Honors Society), SNHS (Spanish National Honors Society), MAT (Math Honors Society), and ITS (International Thespian Society). 

Steinlauf describes her high school experience here at Edison High as valuable. As a senior graduating in 2022, Steinlauf has missed out on two years of her in-person high school experience.

“Although my sophomore and junior years were cut short due to COVID, I still loved my high school experience. Being in theatre and choir has introduced me to so many lifelong friends, who I hope to keep in touch with throughout college. These people make getting up and coming to school and then staying here until 5:30 every day so much more doable.” 

Steinlauf also recalls one of her most memorable interactions throughout her high school career with one of her most important teachers.

One of my fondest memories was with my freshman year English teacher, Mrs. Frey. Not only did she encourage me to join the newspaper and step up as Editor-in-Chief sophomore year, but all-throughout my freshman year, she convinced me to believe in myself. After having a hard morning on a rainy day freshman year, Mrs. Frey pulled me out into the hallway and told me to not worry about her classwork that day, to not be stressed about outside factors like fights with friends or stress over other classes, but to just talk to her, and tell her what’s wrong. She was the first teacher to show me that she genuinely cares for me, and she inspired me to become a teacher and help new high school students feel loved and welcomed. “

Steinlauf’s advice to underclassmen is to branch out and try different things. “There are no penalties for joining a club or a sport for one season, and then quitting it after the season ends. Trying out different things allows you to find your place and your people, and that’s really what makes high school both bearable and memorable,” she says.