Boys Volleyball Has Begun: A Season Preview


The boys’ Varsity volleyball team before their scrimmage against Watchung Hills Regional High School.

As the spring season comes in full swing, so does the 2021-2022 boys volleyball season. The season started on Friday, April 1st 2022 and so far, the team holds a 4—1 record, playing in the GMC White Division. Coming off a 10—7 record in the 2020-2021, members of the Edison High School volleyball team are excited for the season to come. At publication, Aman Verma ‘22 is currently leading in Assists for this season with 72 thus far. As for blocks, Chinmay Mosur ‘22 is leading the team with 9. Mosur also holds the role of Varsity team captain, and was recently recognized as Athlete of the Week. Mohammad Haady ‘24 currently is leading in Kills for the team, with 24 thus far. The players look forward to increasing these stats this season, and making it a significant one.

This Head Coach Ms. Denise Morrow’s final season, and the team expressed their motivation to honor her efforts to the program.

The boys’ Varsity volleyball team before their scrimmage against Watchung Hills Regional High School. (IDHIKA TURYA ’24)

“I look forward to having a great season for Coach Morrow’s last season,” says Nicholas Nguyen ‘23. Making this season memorable for Morrow is a shared goal for the team this year, said Mohammad Haady ‘24. “We hope to add to the banner because this is Coach Morrow’s last season, and it would also be nice to make it to states.” Brady Boslet ‘24 also shared this sentiment, proclaiming his goal for the team to, “hopefully qualify for states.” 

With the new season has come some changes for the volleyball team. Nguyen said, “I feel like this season, we have had less games, and it’s a lot harder to get to away games because we have less buses. I do feel like It is so much easier to play without masks, because it doesn’t feel like we are huffing and puffing during games.” 

“It’s been going good. It’s been nice to have teammates who are better than me to help me improve and it’s overall a great environment,” said Boslet.

Haady compared this season to his last. “As a sophomore, this is my first year on varsity And I’ve noticed a lot of changes, for example, a lot more people come to games. I’ve been able to play a lot more volleyball than I have before.”

“Our JV team has been doing really great this season,” said Messiah Perez ‘23, “they’re really getting their chemistry together.”

In terms of new players this year, Haady said,  “Ajit Sivakumar as a freshman has a lot of potential and is already putting up a lot of good numbers this season.” At this point in the season, Sivakumar currently has 16 kills and 17 digs. 

The team looks forward to the rest of the season, hoping to improve and build skills as the season progresses. Perez said, “We had a tough loss against North Brunswick, so we have got to work to change the outcome when we play them again.”