Editorial: Edison High – Red, Gold and…Green?

Hey, readers! Welcome to the first edition of the official Edison High School newspaper, The Eagle’s Eye. This year, our chief editorial board consists of Isha Patel ‘20, Mark Rosario ‘20, Hannah Steinlauf ‘22, and Samhitha Sangaraju ‘22. With four board members, two advisors who prioritize efficiency, and a main goal of bettering Edison High with our newspaper, online seemed the only way to go. Not only are paper newspapers outdated and expensive to print, but they often end up going to the recycling bin—which, for the record, Edison High does not even use. Don’t you find it misleading that Edison High has recycling bins sprinkled throughout the school but does not use them? All of the recycling ends up in the same place as our garbage does. That fact seems like an insult to the kids who care about the environment and our collective carbon footprint. Furthermore, the fact that information such as Edison High’s recycling—or lack thereof—is not common knowledge embodies the reason we need a school newspaper.

In previous years, the Edison High paper took about four sheets per edition, not to mention the exponential costs of physical printing. With the use of technology, The Eagle’s Eye aims to conserve paper and money at Edison High, as well as reach out to a larger spectrum of students and adults. Through The Eagle’s Eye, we hope to highlight the importance of speaking out about world problems to the people of Edison High. Climate change has taken a significant toll on the environment and economy throughout the world, and it is important that everyone does their part to help protect the planet. Our decision to go digital with this newspaper is our contribution to the cause. How many of you would read a physical newspaper anyway? As young members of society, it is our job to lead the planet to a better future. Contributions can range from making a school newspaper digital to kick-starting fundraisers, or speaking at strikes to raise awareness. Every attempt is significant, and can lead to the improvement of our communities.

There are many ways students at Edison High can get involved with climate change in and out of school. Just a small donation to an environmental organization, such as the Environmental Defense Fund and The Nature Conservancy, can go a long way. The Edison district also participates in a student-led global organization, known as “Fridays for Future”, whose members take part in protests for environmental change. Edison High itself offers clubs to students eager to express their care for the environment, such as the Ecology Club and UNICEF, both led by passionate students and advisors who want to spread environmental awareness.

With the inspirational Ms. Diane Frey and Mr. Michael Glackin leading the charge, The Eagle’s Eye has decided to go all-digital, meaning every issue will be published online! The goal of The Eagle’s Eye is to provide accurate information on the school as well as the world around us without concurrently harming it. With a wide range of students on the staff, The Eagle’s Eye is committed to providing unbiased, accurate information. We hope to fulfill Edison High’s need for a solid source news, without putting a financial burden on the school or on our advisors’ personal wallets. In addition, we aspire to influence others to talk about the issues that bother them and realize their power to change them for the better. With over 80 members in just our first year, we are ever-growing. If you wish to be involved in our next edition, our classroom code is “0d58mns.” Sign up for an article!  With so many easy ways to get involved right inside our community, what’s stopping your contribution?