Mandavia Achieves June Honor

Yash Mandavia: June Senior of the Month


Yash Mandavia ’22 at a wedding.

As a leading member of the senior class and a bright mind both in and out of school, Yash Mandavia ‘22 has become the Senior of the Month for June.

As a member of the STEM academy at Edison High School, Mandavia has tried to partake in only a few extracurriculars which strike his interests. Such extracurriculars, along with honors societies include Science Olympiad, the Math Team, and Quiz Bowl. Mandavia also holds one of the presidential positions in Quiz Bowl, leading the team at the High School National Championship Tournament in Atlanta. He is also a part of the National Honor Society (NHS), Math Honor Society (MAT), Spanish Honor Society (SHS), Business Honor Society (BHS). He claims his participation in meaningful extracurriculars allows him to balance his academics while finding enjoyment in high school.

“Outside of school I like to change things up from the typical academic setting,” Mandavia said. “To maintain physical shape, I enjoy playing volleyball, soccer, and basketball with friends. You can also find me watching a show on Netflix or even listening to music when I am not at school.”

For the rising eagles of Edison High, Mandavia advises people to prioritize their mental health by trying to get as much sleep as possible. Mandavia claims that by prioritizing sleep, he was able to increase his productivity throughout his high school career starting from freshman year. Mandavia, using the school’s faculty as a source of mentorship, also claims that several teachers; including Mrs. Downey, Mrs. Frey, Mrs. Corsun, Mr. Kerins, Mrs. Singh, Coach Morrow, and Coach Wernlund; have helped him grow throughout high school. He mentions how the multiple perspectives coming from these various teachers have allowed him to develop as a well-rounded individual.

“I plan on attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for computer science and economics. Going out of state is certainly exciting, but I still hope to visit Edison High and my past teachers whenever possible,” Mandavia said.

All in all, Mandavia acknowledges that while the college admissions process was stressful, he mostly enjoyed his last year at Edison High School as a senior. His participation in a myriad of clubs in the school and his leadership role in changing the school’s dynamic in various extracurricular affairs have served to make his journey at Edison High truly commendable. A well-rounded student, Mandavia represents the student that can indulge in a variety of affairs all while keeping his composure.