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The Student Newspaper of Edison High School

The Eagle's Eye

The Eagle's Eye

The Eagle's Eye


Resolving student debt can feel like a Sisyphean task, especially for immigrant, undocumented, and international students.

The Sisyphean Struggle for Student Aid

EDITORIAL STAFF March 19, 2025

After cheating death twice and snitching on Zeus, Sisyphus is futilely cursed to roll a boulder up a hill—a boulder that harbors the burdens of Zeus’ wrath, the underworld, and… student loans? Every year, thousands of New...

Mrunmaee Bansode '24 asks Dr. Edward Aldarelli a question on the Edison Township school district during a press conference in the Media Center.

New Superintendent Brings New Hopes for Students

EDITORIAL STAFF January 9, 2024

In October, the new Edison Board of Education superintendent, Dr. Edward Aldarelli, visited Edison High for a press conference with select staff from The Eagle’s Eye and students in the new journalism elective. The conference...

Students grudgingly take a standardized test in a classroom.

The Low Standards of Standardized Testing


As testing slowly comes to an end, let us reflect on our experiences. A lot of them were negative. When the first round of state testing came around, the NJGPA English and Math assessments caused a large amount of problems....

The ban on Google Chat has frustrated both students and teachers and has made it difficult to communicate. Students now see a blocked screen instead of the usual Google Chat setup.

Missing Chat Exposes a Missing Education

EDITORIAL STAFF March 15, 2023

What is the role of school? Is it to educate students only about the intricacies of English, the processes of math, or the discoveries of science? We believe not.  While schools impart the basic foundations of knowledge to...

Each November we're told to "Give Thanks," but have we forgotten what that means?

Put The Thanks Back In Thanksgiving

In a wholesome charity event led by our EHS STUCO, the Edison High School community bonds with the Giving Tree initiative this winter season. This act of giving traces itself back to 1621 when a group of Pilgrims decided to invite...

Edison High School

No More Thoughts and Prayers

Twenty-one dead, in a small school in Texas. Young students and teachers who lost their lives during a normal school day. They will never go to middle school, they will never apply for college, and they will never walk at graduation. So...

Editorial: Don’t Our Voices Count?

Editorial: Don’t Our Voices Count?

I am a senior. I’m seventeen, I can drive, I can legally get married with my parent’s permission, I can apply to colleges and decide my future…  But I cannot vote.  In the fall of senior year, adults expect high...

Why Are All Of My Teachers Women?

Why Are All Of My Teachers Women?

Just as Women’s History Month is overlooked, teachers are too. We could not take the responsibility of writing a Features section on the successes and grievances of women without talking about the profession women dominate....

Editorial: Burnout—Man's Greatest Fear

Editorial: Burnout—Man’s Greatest Fear

Four students sit down after a long day of revising articles for The Eagle’s Eye and get ready to write an editorial together. Four students, bursting with ideas, excitement, perhaps even anger, send a flurry of text messages...

Editorial: Black Lives Matter

Editorial: Black Lives Matter

Editorials reflect the official opinion of the school newspaper. We believe, unequivocally, that black lives matter. But we cannot say that black lives matter when we do not amplify their voices. It would be remiss to discuss...

Editorial: The Bright Side of Quarantine

Editorial: The Bright Side of Quarantine

What a time to be alive. We have spent the past month on lockdown, restricted to our homes and the quiet streets around them. Our plans have been canceled and postponed. Normal things—handshakes and hugs, lunches with...

Editorial: Edison, We Have a Problem

Editorial: Edison, We Have a Problem

Edison, we have a problem:  communication. Or, more frankly, lack thereof. There are so many ongoing issues and events within the district that the students, teachers, and parents miss out on simply because they are uninformed. That’s...

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