As the the Class of 2025 prepared to walk their last few months in the hallowed halls of Edison High, us underclassmen might view them as all-knowing but ancient relics. But, in reality, the seniors have barely experienced what life has to offer, and most of them, feel a sense of combined anxiety and excitement as they face their last year of youth.
To calm their nerves and provide them with some much needed perspective, Principal Mr. Charles Ross requested advice from senior citizens at a local nursing home, and the Eagle’s Eye requested advice from our freshly graduated seniors, the never-forgotten Class of 2024. Here is what our seniors have to say in reaction:
“I find this really true. A lot of time sophomore year, I was really overwhelmed and worried about my grades and clubs. But through hard work, everything worked out fine,” said Samarra Saravanan ‘24.

“I think this is a really nice quote, and applies to anything in life, not just graduation. I think I always practiced this idea in high school, and tried to do everything I wanted to/could, and I ended up at my dream college!” said Amber Kapadia ‘24.

“I think this quote is really inspiration, and is really true, because as long as you try, you’re not going to have any regrets in the future,” said Swathi Srinivasan ‘24.
“I think that was a really good quote. It really hit me hard. I always thought of failure as something to avoid, and not something that you should embrace. It is a really really good way of thinking about things. That was really good advice, actually,” said Sushanth Balaraman ‘24.

“I think that ‘s very valid. I feel a lot more confident in my college decision knowing that I am going into a field I am passionate about: medicine. It is going to make college more fun, and worth it, knowing that I am working towards something I want,” said Raina Patel ‘24.

“I can totally agree with this. It is definitely easier to get jobs when you know what you want to do. And I’ll feel good going into college, knowing what I want to do, and have to do for that career,” said Kosha Patel ‘24.
“This quote reminds me that I am not alone, even through the worst of times,” said Rhianna Bose ‘24. “After graduation, go to college and choose something you would like to do for the rest of your life and enjoy.”
“I really think that this quote is right. Next year, when I go off to college, I feel better because I am pursuing something that I genuinely enjoy, as opposed to something that is just popular or people want me to do,” said Rithika Bose ’24.

“I went through most of my life assuming I need to give myself worth. This quote really shows that no one is worthless, because a higher power wouldn’t want it that way. I love this. The best me I can be is the me right now,” said Madhav Mandala ‘24.
So, as the senior class grapples with their upcoming adulthood, and the underclassmen consider the next 2-4 years with apprehension and anxiety, remember to keep in mind the words of those before us, those who conquered life and highschool lige respectively.